Last night my house was broken into, and a horrible person ran off with my camera :( Even though i wish all the pigeons in the world would fly around him and forever deposit their faeces on him, i can't sit and sulk all day long (partially cause i have to see a lot of police and get my door fixed).
So instead, since my sister is getting married in June and i have a lot to do between now and them, i've been looking at wedding blogs for inspiration to help her.
There are so many adorable things people have done, and so many original ideas, each thing i see is better then the previous! :P
I love the idea of having a photo booth at your wedding 
especially if it has speech bubbles!!

There are sooooo many wedding blogs i could be looking at them forever but i think for day im going to have to stop! and leave with this little message...
Today... I'm making lemonade! ;)